3D Printed temporal bone is useful as a teaching model for explaining intricate anatomical details of the temporal bone externally as well as internally.

Product Data
Item No. 1403005
Weight 50 grams
Dimensions 8 x 6 x 6 cm


3D Printed temporal bone is useful as a teaching model for explaining intricate anatomical details of the temporal bone externally as well as internally. As the bone holds hearing as well as balance apparatuses of the body along with many other important nerves and blood vessels compactly arranged in very small space , the anatomical layout of all these needs to be learnt in details before proceeding for surgery on live patient. This bone is also useful as dissection tool. Students can practice various surgeries on this bone like, mastoidectomy, facial nerve surgeries, translabyrinthine approach to internal acoustic canal, cochleostomy, endolymphatic sac surgery, lateral sinus decompression etc.

Product Description:
Patient Information:

Age: 20Years
Side: Left Temporal Bone
Condition: Normal Anatomy

Model Information:

Lateral surface:

EAC, glenoid fossa, zygomatic process
Glaserian fissure with two foramina
Tympanic plate, tympanomastoid & tympanosqamous sutures
Mastoid emssary foramen
Mastoid process
Ossicular ‘blob’
Oval and round windows

Anterior surface:

Meckel’s cave
Facial haitus and foramen for GSPN
Groove for middle meningeal artery
Internal carotid canal, upper opening
Tensor tympani canal
Bony Eustachian tube

Inferior surface:

Internal carotid canal, lower opening
Jagular fossa
Vascular crest and Jacobson’s foramen
Styloid process and stylomastoid foramen
Diagastric groove and occipital groove

Posterior surface:

Sigmoid sulcus
Superior petrosal sulcus
Vestibular aqueduct
Arcuate eminence and subarcuate foramen
Internal acoustic canal
IAC fundus with falciform crest
Bill’s bar
Cochlear canaliculus for aqueduct